Oh my goodness! This week was quite eventful. Starting the week with General Conference really helped a lot. I know you are not supposed to pick favorite apostles but Elder Wirthlin is the man! If I could be as happy and as positive as he is I would be set. I especially liked when he said "Come what may, and love it!" Because sometimes that is so hard when you really are going through a hard or stressful situation. But this statement has become my new goal. No one likes to be around people who find things to complain about or who are downers in general; it can bring you down with them.
So this last week I put it into play. And it proved to be a lot more difficult than expected. Especially when I ended up having 2 tests back to back and then having to wake up super early to study or do assignments. But all in all I think I did pretty good. I was extremely aware of what I was saying and so careful not to be pessimistic no matter how hectic a day it was. You can always find positive things no matter the situation. Anyways.... that was this week now into the weekend :)
I was a dating fiend!! That might be overexagerrating a little bit but this last week I went on 3 dates, I think. And they were all really fun! Yay for fun cute boys haha. On tuesday I went over to Byron's house and he made me fried rice for dinner and then we watched a movie. Doesn't sound like much but we are both huge dorks and kinda crazy so it turned out to be an adventure.
Then on Friday Byron and I went up to Salt Lake to a mentally disabled school called South Valley. They were having their Halloween dance and it was really the most fun I had all week! We didn't even dance with each other, we just danced with the kids... I say kids but they were all 18-25 years old. They are the most happy people and the most fun to dance with. I got hit on quite a few times, asked to be multiple guys' girlfriend, and one boy yelled to me as I was dancing "You are HOT, H-O-T!" Biggest confidence booster EVER! haha. They really were the sweetest people. And one more direct quote, as we were leaving the dance, Jared, one of the students, told me to call him if I ever need a good boyfriend...I might take him up on it :)
Saturday of course was BYU Homecoming. My roommates and I went to the parade early in the morning to see some of the people in our ward who were in the parade. It was so cold and started to snow, that's why we are all majorly bundled up in the picture. We got free chocolate chip blue pancakes with whipcream and syrup plus we got to see all the performing groups go by. Of course I went to the game against New Mexico, of course we won, but it was a dissapointing win, our team was not in sync at all the first half but we kind of pulled it together the second half. We will definately go down in the poles tho, i think. Then Saturday night I went on a date with a boy named Ryan from my Anatomy class. We went to Los Hermanos and then carved pumpkins. Which are currently sitting on my front steps, they look awesome in case you were wondering. But all in all it was a really good week. So Come what may and LOVE IT!
The five machines
6 years ago