I have decided to share with you a few of my confessions. Nothing serious, like I would confess to a Priest if I were Catholic, just fun things that I have noticed about myself, that are maybe a little unique...or maybe they're not...who knows?!
Confession #1
I am a people watcher. Many of us are. But I think I may participate in this activity more than your average Joe. I say this because I have been known to blatantly stare at people and even make faces depending on my reaction to what is occurring. This usually happens when I am alone and have no one with me who checks me back into reality. In fact one time I was eating lunch in the Cougareat and watched a break-up go down between two little freshmen. Sad, really, but so entertaining. Now usually this is a private conversation and happens with no one else there to share in the agony and all around awkwardness of the situation. But I was there and watched every second of it. I felt a little bad for eaves dropping later but it was so fun to watch this young boy (pre-mish) and 18 year old girl end their relationship in a very public place. You're young people! Go and live your lives! She probably would not have waited for you anyways. So really it is there fault for doing it someplace so public. This habit has even made it difficult to study in the library. To combat this I now study in the depths of the library, between stacks of books, in my own little cubby. It is great and I get loads of stuff done. I just have to seclude myself away from humanity :)
Confession #2
Buying a new journal is a deeply personal and spiritual matter for me. It has to be cute, so no plain Jane journals. It must be a good secret keeper. It should have crisp pages with college spaced lines. It must protect, be a good listener, and share in triumphs and failures. I mean we have been told repeatedly to write our own personal histories for our posterity so I better have a good journal to keep all that information in. Really tho, I am a little OCD about choosing just the right journal but I love it. And I always love getting a new journal even if I don't need one right at that moment. So if you are ever looking for a good gift just get me a cute writing tablet, I will seriously LOVE IT!
Confession #3
Christmas morning is a SACRED event, not to be tampered with in any way. In my family's household we have always looked forward to Christmas morning with excitement from the time we were 1 till now. Many of you now that you are grown wake up at 9 o'clock and mosey your way on down to the Christmas tree. There is no moseying or sleeping in on Christmas! My family still awakes promptly at 5 a.m. and if we are not up by that time (this happened only one year) my dad will wake us up and hurry us down to look at our Santa gifts. As I said this only happened once and he had to wake us up at 5:30 a.m. so no harm done. We do not get ready for the day before going down to look at and open presents, but we remain steadfast, in our pajamas until around 10 when we finally take some showers and what not. Christmas morning will be celebrated appropriately! I mean it is hard to not get excited when your dad wears a red silk robe and a Santa hat when he comes down.
The five machines
6 years ago