Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Future time

Well, it is official I have signed up for my last semester of school...before I graduate....before I have to have a real job/career...am I crazy excited...YES! So for those of you who do not know, I am planning on being a Health and PE teacher in a middle school or high school. Hopefully I will mostly be teaching health because that is what I really love, but PE is cool too, and I am glad it was my minor.

But this last week for my technology in the classroom class I had to make a movie. I at first was dreading this assignment because this whole editing movie stuff is brand new to me. But I think it turned out pretty sweet, and it is on YouTube and everything...so it's legit :) Feel free to watch. It is supposed to be a commercial like the above the influence commercials and is about underage drinking. Take a gander, I am pretty proud of it, even tho it really is nothing special, but the sense of accomplishment is definitely there.


Julie and Jesse said...

AHH I wish I could see it but my computer won't let me! I'm so excited for you!

kelsie rae. said...

well done kelli! i wish i was graduating next semester! only 3 more for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jessica C. Gilliland said...

(In a Kelli voice): YEAH!!!