First off, let's just say that bees HATE me. I swear I have always had trouble with these stinging insects following me and getting all up in my business. Maybe they can smell fear? I don't know? Regardless, yesterday and this morning I had an encounter.
Yesterday I was traveling around with my momma we were waiting at a red light when all of a sudden a wasp started harrassing my window. Not just being curious and flying away, no, bumping up against my window over and over and flying all around that glass portal. As the light turned green it grabbed onto the window and held on for dear life. We were traveling at approximately 50 mph and it was hunkered down. I began hitting the window, because of course that always works, but he was a stubborn little guy. We come to a stop, it begins to crawl around the door. I am sitting there watching it in the side mirror and it crawls into the crack where the door connects to the car....what the?!!! I then refuse to open my door, climb out the back seat when we reach our destination and then remain paranoid and constantly check the crack from the door that leads into the car.

This morning I get into my car to drive peacefully to work, rocking out to Ke$ha, Kelly Clarkson, and Justin Bieber (don't judge). But as I take the ramp down onto University Avenue I hear a loud buzzing and catch a brief glimpse of a dark shadow in my rearview. Because of yesterday I still had the heeby jeebies. There in my back seat flying all around is a huge, fat, gigantic bumble-bee. WHY ME?! I yell out "GOOD GRACIOUS!!" and then proceed to pull over to the side of the road. I jump out of my car as fast as I can and then try to figure out what I am going to do? I can't drive to work with that thing back there, what if it comes and attacks me, what if I get distracted by it and cause an accident, what if it stings me, how did it get in my car?! I open the passenger side door and look at it....I can't swat at it, what if it gets angry? I then pound on the window from outside, this always works right? Recent events have taught me that no, this does not always work! I leave the door open, maybe it is not like other bugs, maybe it is smart, and actually knows that I am trying to help it escape...alas no luck. (I probably look like an idiot at this point to passers-by) But it seems to be calming down. It sits there for about a minute with no movement. I think, I can do this, I'll just keep an eye on it and drive to work and hopefully it doesn't start buzzin' around again. Flash forward, I made it to work, the bumble bee is still in my car, my windows are cracked, hoping against hope that it will fly away.
I'm telling you...they hate me.