Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Happy Birthday Momma!


my mom's birthday is tomorrow....and to commemorate this event I have decided to post a few of my favorite memories that I have of my mom:

  • When I was 3 or 4 and I didn't want to take my nap so I would stay in my room for 5 minutes, come out, and say I was awake, and she would let me watch E.T. instead of sending me back to bed.
  • My mom buying me super girlie dresses with matching bows. I would cry when I was made to wear them...I don't know how my mom put up with me sometimes.
  • Watching my mom cook with my grandma up in Moses Lake while I played with toys in the kitchen. 
  • Her buying me ice cream every time I got a shot, or went to the dentist...She still takes me to get ice cream sometimes.
  • My mom dealing with all my scratches, broken bones, bruises, and all the drama that went along with it.
  • Singing with my mom on Sundays with her at the piano.
  • Her buying me a hope chest when I wasn't sure I wanted one, now I love it! I basically have a dowry now.
  • Being goofy and laughing so hard that she gets a cramp
  • Dancing with her in the kitchen
  • After high school I suddenly realized that she was super smart and she really did know what she was talking about. (teenagers are stupid!)
  • All her sayings: Good Honk! You're a dip. Work until the work is done. And the way she yells your name to get you to come.
  • Watching her jump on the tramp with the correct form...
  • Most of all I remember all the times she let me cry, be crazy, be mad, be stupid, have fun, laugh, go on adventures, and she still loves me!
  • Too many memories to put down, but there is some of them!