Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Grizzlies

I have been a Viking, Leopard, Bruin, Cougar, and now I am a GRIZZLY!

That's right people my college career actually got me a job! I am now the proud recipient of the Health and PE internship at Payson Junior High School. What does this mean exactly? Well it means that I have a job, a job that pays half salary, full benefits, a job that if I want it next year, it is all MINE! And I will then be a full fledged teacher! This is so so so exciting because I don't know if you know this or not, but it is DANG hard to get a job in this economy, let alone a job right out of college and in the public school system. AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME! (yes, it did need to be said three times in all caps)

Needless to say I feel extremely blessed. And it is kind of scary to be a first year teacher, but I am up for the challenge. Bring it on Payson Junior High. I'm ready!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

My not so little brother...

Turned 17 last Saturday, and I'm unsure how I feel about it. I remember being 17 like it was yesterday. In actuality it was 5 years ago...this is crazy talk! I feel old, but I also love that weird kid more than anything. So Nathan, here's to you buddy!
- I love that you make me laugh so hard with your ridiculous stories and witty comebacks
- I love that you wear a robe around the house like you are 85 years old
- I love that you humor me when I am feeling like an adventure
- I love your wicked awesome hair in the morning
- I love how you chase me around the kitchen with a wooden spoon, or wet towel
- I love how you do not care if you are messy or dirty as long as you are having fun
- I love how amazingly skilled you are in golf and basketball
- I love how you let me sing stupid songs to you when you are mad at me, such as "Nathan, I love you, that's all I have to offer. Nathan I need you, please don't turn me away." Saturdays Warrior anyone?
- I love how hard of a worker you are
- I love the way you let me put my head on your shoulder when I'm tired
- I love that you are my not so little brother forever!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Have you ever had someone say...
enjoy this time while you can, because
it only gets busier as life goes on.

Sad to say, but I NEVER believed them.
This is what I would say to myself in my head:
"Ya, ya, ya, whatever you old man/woman. I am
going to graduate from college, get a job, and
everything will be smooth, hassle free sailing,
from there on out."
Oh what a fool I was. What a gosh darn fool.

As I attended my last real class EVER today. The
ginormous scope of my situation hit me. I have
a lot of work ahead of me, lots of things to do, busy,
busy, busy, and no slow down in sight. But that's ok,
because I am excited and I'm going to enjoy every
minute of it!

So I just want all those old people out there to know...
You were right. You win!